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Unlimited Storage
Server Place works hard to provide affordable shared, reseller and dedicated web hosting plans. We will continue to add more service to our plans and do everything we can to make sure you reach your goal. We will never raise the price and you can be assured you will be a valued customer no matter what plan you're on. We also have ecommerce solutions available as well as a website builder. Server Place allows all our shared clients to use the unused bandwidth from month to month. We have su pport for php, mysql, perl, and much more.
SP Special
SP Standard
SP Reseller
Custom Site Design
"I have been with Serverplace since the very beginning and I must say they are a great host, and offer the lowest prices I have ever seen for the amount of services you receive. I have many dedicated servers and shared hosting accounts with them and their support is always their to help whenever I have a problem. Very good uptime, and no real problems that couldn't be handled very fast. I would recommend them to anyone who is searching for a fast, reliable host with excellent customer support."
"We have been with them for years! Its great getting fully reliable service without the additional cost. We have saved a lot and we would recommend them to anyone."